Points To Remember Before Designing Your Bathroom


People have now started giving importance to bathroom because of which they are searching those accessories which can make bathroom appealing. But prior you begin shopping around for your sanitary items, here is a quick guide containing the points to remember, so that you will not bring incompatible product for your bathroom.


There are a few types of basins in general. Homeowners today prefer the countertop as they meet with the modern décor. Due to space constriction however, many opted for wall mounted ones instead.

There are numerous sorts of basins available. Homeowners presently choose the countertop as they fit in with the modish décor. Because of the space constraints therefore, several preferred the wall mounted ones instead.

The alternative is especially an individual choice and preference for the fundamental design and outlook and well, spending plan. Here are couple of things take a note of are -

·         The available space

·         The profile of your bathroom users

·         Where your basin connections are:

·         Water supply pipe locations

Water release to significant sewage spot – on the off chance that they are on the wall, you should skip some freestanding basins. Observe the measurements previously looking for the basin.

Basin taps

Homeowners should choose the basins first before purchasing the basin taps. The design of both the basin and the tap needs to go well together. Basins in general pose more confinements because of the size. The particular feature of the basin may likewise pose requirements for the tap. For instance, if a countertop basin is chosen, at that point the basin tap should be a taller one.

Shower Mixer

There are two sorts of shower mixer systems – exposed as well as concealed.

Exposed shower mixer - where you can in any case observe the valves and some of the time, the pipes.

Concealed shower mixer - with the exception of the handle and control plate, everything else is covered behind the tiles.

Before choosing the sort of shower mixer system, first remember the building controls, as a portion of the older buildings don't permit water supply piping to be hidden.

Water Closet

There is a typical fallacy that all toilet bowls are the same and we simply need to choose a design we like. Here are a few components you should focus on:

Area of existing waste pipe and trap distance

Trap distance refers to the briefest straight line measurement between the finished walls to the centre of the waste release outlet.

Ceramic bodies ought not sit on the hole or block the pipe association with the gap. It's additionally vital to know the distinction between "S" trap water closets and "P" trap water closets. The previous is reasonable for sewage outlet on the floor only, while the last can be for the floor or the wall, contingent upon the connection pipes.

Location of existing water supply points

Some more up to date designs of toilets include a back-to-wall design. In these sorts of designs, the water supply point should be situated within the water closet’s ceramic body.

The space available

Continuously observe swing doors (shower screen door, bathroom entrance door, and vanity unit door) that might be obstructed if the water closet is too long. WC Singapore commonly extends from 500 to 700cm long.


Therefore, choose everything as per the space available in your bathrooms and the color you have on the inner walls of the bathroom because then only your bathroom will look elegant and superior.

Author’s Bio- An author is the supplier of Toilet Bowl and water closet. He has a good knowledge of the material used in their formation. He guides people about this through his blog.



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